Left: Calm and ready, at 6.20am for the surgery
At exactly 6.30am, the ward SRNs came to collect him and pushed him down the long corridor on the fourth ward to the cardiac OT.
Right: Mounting on the trolley
We all took turn to wish him luck and renewed him faith in Allah s.w.t., to ask for His help in making this successful. Of course, by no means that we failed to express our love for our husband, father, father-in-law, grandfather, brother and uncle, in that order.
Left: Saying best of luck and "we love you"
Some of us waited, looking through the small window on the Cardiac OT, with some degree of anxiety, fear and much discomfort, until he was wheeled out of sight.
Right: The kiss from a wife of 41 years
We retreated back to his suite and some of us carried on reciting verses from the Holy Book. By 8.00am, we went down to catch some morning meal and soon after, some went to catch on loss sleep, either at the suite upstairs or our homes (which is nearby).
Left: Abah being wheeled through the Cardiac OT main door
My aunty, who was unable to walk along the trolley from the suite to the Cardiac OT, caught him in the hall way just pass the Cardiac OT door, in the nick of time.
Right: Last minute wishes before the OT hall
I, tried to catch some sleep too but simply couldn't. I was restless. I started to pace around the wards and then all over the hospital. I also went to talk with some of the consultants and later waited, patiently at the Cardiac ICU waiting room.
Left: My mother and sister diligently reading the yassin at the CICU waiting lounge
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