I woke up at just before 6.45am, this morning. Somehow, I did not get out of bed yet because I thought it is still too early to do anything, including to waddle over to Damansara Specialists Hospital ( a routine these past eight days). A moment later, I got in front of my PC, to check on what's happening on the planned demonstration at the Kuala Lumpur British High Commission, which was earlier declared as an "illegal assembly" and the Police actually got a rare court order to refrain the public from the demonstration/rally. Since the past eight days or so, I missed most of the finer things happening all over the town and just focused on the issue at hand!
As I was reading around the blogs, news agency reports and mainstream media pieces, suddenly at 7.10am, my darling wife (who with my daughter spent their second night at the suite, relieving my sister) text messaged me from my father's suite which read "Abah's demam, BP shot up to 150/90 as at 4.45am. He had shortness of breath". I showered, changed and rushed to the hospital, in record speed. He was sound asleep when I arrived, after given painkillers by the night nurse. I asked the morning shift to summon Dr. Daud ASAP, whom always arrive at the hospital around this time, every morning. When he realised I was by his bed, he complained of palpitations.
I was afraid that something he had or should not have, yesterday or last night, since we had some amount of food and he was enjoying it.
Right: Food have to be taken in smaller bites and slowly
By 8.00am, Dr. Daud did his rounds. When he listened to my father's chest and heard his complaints, he summed it up that my father is developing oedema (water retention) on the left lung. He explained that it is quite common for coronary by-pass patients to develop such condition post surgery, as the heart is not strong enough (as pre-surgery) and it takes time to bring up the lungs to full and normal operations and capacity, after it was shut down during surgery. Dr. Daud also explained that my father is off most of his heart medications since almost a week ago. This, will effect his blood pressure and also cause a little palpitation. As a remedy, he ordered my father to be issued with some of his heart medications and also diuretics, to help him excrete the water in the lungs.
Soon, my father started to urinate. It is a little cumbersome, especially he insist to do it in the bathroom, instead into the disposable urinal which is attached to his bed. So we have to assist him gently out of bed, walk him (with assistance) to the bathroom and ensure that he does not fall down in the process. I also asked the staff nurses to help him shower (so that he will feel better).
Left: Tan Sri Mr. Yahya checking on his breathing and heart
Later, the Senior General Surgeon of DSH, Dato' Dr. Haron Ahmad dropped by to see how my father was getting along. My father was sitting on the chesterfield armchair, starring aimless at the TV and he was happy that my father looked good.
My good friend Salahuddin Hisham dropped by at lunch time, to see how my father was getting along. They chatted for a bit. Later, we had a short and small meeting at the lounge. Half an hour later, he walked me and my brother down accompanying my father for the x ray at the Radiology, on the ground floor. After that, he left to go to the bank, before it is closed for the day.
Right: Salahuddin and Abah, catching up
Left: Idah calling on her only surviving uncle
My cousin, Khalidah Hassan and her husband of 22 years, Rashid dropped by after work. They were relieved to see my father is doing well. Like many, who heard the word "coronary by-pass", shivers and goosebump struck their system with immediate eerie effect.
Right: Invasion of 'private corner' is not welcomed!
Somehow, not everything 'affected' everyone. Some, actually having a-ball-of-their-lives, on our drastic change of lifestyle and activities. Like these two lovely girls. One was given a complete set of Barbie (as a 'bribe' because her mother can no longer pay attention to her as much as she wanted to), while the other took advantage on the new-found-treasures and led how it will be played. They have their own private corner at the suite.
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